RAT pedals and Info

Started by timrand, January 20, 2004, 11:49:38 PM

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What are the differences between the Vintage RAT, RAT 2 and the Turbo RAT.

Are they all the same design ? and can be modded to whatever you like?
Also what would people recommend in buying one of the pedals or should I build the one from general guitar gadgets ? The Rodent ?
Though the price of these pedals are pretty cheap better to buy


Depends on whethere you're a tweeker.
 Many Rat steppers go to great tweaking lengths on their Rats.
 I have one here stille waiting to be picked up [I replaced the SW for Vince Ruby], and a clone your own Rat, the Factory one has a better [or] LED indicator [clone doesn't..if your RAT doesn't 'tell' you it's been stepped on there's probably something wrong with it..lol] and the knobs all taper just right...a littel tricky to try say diode mods on the Factory one compared to the cloned one though.
 The factory one is about the solid-est thing, like an I beam or something. It has a battery door. Feet.
 I'm not the ultra tweeky type...I just pick a style, build it, de-bug it tweek caps and diodes and tranny's, OA's ocasionally, and bias and that's about it. Then I move on to the next thing usually.
 Lately I've been getting into more modding tone controls and Muamps and pigletted boosters and hoggy FF's Piggybacked, I never thought I'd actually be able to create homemade crunchy cream!
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Since I posted I saw the schematics on this site and and one one of the schematics it basically points out the difference between the Vintage Rat and the Turbo Rat is too replace the two diodes with Red Led's is this right ?
seeing as the vintage Rat sells for $109 and you can buy a turbo for $79.95 is that the only difference ?


Rat 2 are selling on pedalgeek.com for $69.95 can that be modded to vintage RAT


Rat 2 are selling on pedalgeek.com for $69.95 can that be modded to vintage RAT