Millenium 2 Connections

Started by Guitar Dude, January 28, 2004, 02:29:14 AM

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Guitar Dude

I'm just looking at the Millenium 2 on Geofex ( and I'm wondering where the connections go.

I think it's like this:

• '+9Vdc' has a connection FROM the + battery and TO the +9V on the effect PCB?
• 'To switch' goes to the Effect Output lug of the switch?
• 'Ground' has a connection TO the ring of the input jack? Or maybe to the board grounds?

Presumably, if your using a positive ground effect you use a P-Junction JFET, reverse the LED, Diodes etc, and reverse the battery +/-? I know you can use a 2N7000 for negative ground effects, what should I use for positive ground effects?

I read somewhere you can use a 2N3904 as the low leakage diode by cutting off the emitter and using the base as the anode and the collector as the cathode, is that true?

...Maybe I should just buy some 3PDT's...


PS: How do you mount the LED in the case? And what size should I use? I want something quite small like the one in my Hotcake...I think it's probably smaller than 3mm but I have very little experience with LED's.
Avante Garde Is French For Bullshit


#+9v goes to the pcb or the dc jack
#to switch goes to the DPDT(see the dpdt connections)
#ground to the board

BS170 works fine for me and  I use 1N4001diode in place of 2N3904.
I don't remember the connections with positive ground effects(
I mount the led with glue.