Buzz Box Gating...

Started by petemoore, February 08, 2004, 01:57:38 PM

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I'm using Ge tranny's...and finding out it's not exactly easy to bias...
 I varied widely the collector resistors...and got voltages from 1/2 supply to almost supply.
 The bases were  sitting quite low compared to the emitter -.14v [C] and 0v or grounded emitter...
 what would be a good way to start getting the base 'farther away' or higher voltage compared to the emitter?
 I tried a 470k base to collector with 47k base to ground...
 Do the diodes participate in setting the bias in this ckt?
 As is sits right now...with Q1's emitter at -.14v, I don't understand why it's not gating more...
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Has a 470k going to battery - 'above' the Q2's collector bias pot, [PNP] ,from base.    and a 47k base to pos ground...kind of like LPB's base biasing.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.