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chat functions

Started by Sic, February 08, 2004, 05:23:52 AM

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:) :D :o :( ;) :p 8) :[ :kill:

Text formating for messages
You can put bold, italic or underlined text in messages by encasing the applicable sections of your text with either the , or tags.
For example, this text will produce this text.
To create a hyperlink (for e-mail or URL) in your message, simply type the corresponding address without any tag. The hyperlink will be created automatically.

Commands :
{} represents a required setting, [] an optional one.
Recall the previous text typed (command or message).

/announce {message}
 Allow the administrator to send an announcement to all users in all chat rooms.

 Clear the messages frame and show only the last 5 messages.

/ignore [-] [user[,user...]]
 Avoid diplaying messages from an user if nick is specified.
Set ignoring off for an user when nick and - are both specified, for all users when - is but not nick.
With no option, this command pops up a window that shows all ignored nicks.

/invite {user}
 Invite an user chatting in an other room join the one you are in.

/join [n] {#room}
 Join another room, creating it if it doesn't exist and if you're allowed to.
n equals 0 for private and 1 for public, default to 1 if not specified.

/kick {user}
 Kick away user from the chat. This command can only be used by a moderator.

/me {message}
Describe what you're doing without refer yourself.

/msg {user} {message}

/to {user} {message}  
 Send a private message to the specified user (other users won't see it).

 Toggles notifications of user entrance/exit for the current room.

 Popup window for editing user's profile.

/promote {user}
 Allow the administrator or moderator(s) of the curent room to promote another registered user to moderator for the same room.

/quit [message]

/exit [message]

/bye [message]  
 Leave the chat after displaying an optionnal message.

/refresh [n]
 Modify messages and users lists refresh delay (in seconds).
If n is not specified or less than 3, toggles between no refresh and 10s refresh.

/save [n]
 Save the last n messages (notifications ones excluded) to an HTML file. If n is not specified, all available messages will be taken into account.

/show [n]

/last [n]  
 Reload the messages frame and display the n latest messages, minimum and default are 5.

 Show/Hide time before messages.

/whois {user}
 Show informations about specified user.


Speaking of ansil, anyone heard from him.  I know he said he quit the board, but he was going to mail me some stuff and I wasn going to mail him some money.  He just stopped responding to my emails.

thanks, matt
Ipso Facto


yeah, i see ansil around quite a bit. drop him a PM through the forum, im sure he will respond.



Ipso Facto


Ansil's definately around ;)
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.