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Started by Mark Hammer, February 10, 2004, 10:03:49 AM

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Arn C.

Claydavis wrote:  
Quotesurprisingly, a great many of us rednecks are fairly fluent in english, and have adopted many of your yankee terms for electronic components. we just take our time pronouncing them.

hehehehhehehehehehe You're too much man!!!!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

A couple of my favorite comedians are from the south :  Ron White(Texas)
Larry the Cable Guy(Mississippi) and Rodney Carrington(?)...

Arn C.


Ok, here you have some tips in Argetinean Spanish (o criollo pa los amigos):

Resistor : resistencia
Capacitor : capacitor or condensador
Diode : Diodo
Silicon : Silicio
Germanium : germanio
Battery : Bateria
Power : Potencia
Current : Corriente
Wire : Cable
Copper : Cobre
Solder : Soldadura
Circuit : Circuito
Schematic : Esquema, diagrama
Chassis : chasis

The ones without a match are the same. Mind that the pronuntiation of the vocals are quite different. If you don't know how vocals are pronounced in spanish, check out the appendix in Tolkien's Silmarillion about pronuntiation of the elven language, the vocals are pronounced just like he says (or ask some spanish speaking friend).

Some other interesting words you might want to lear if you plan visiting us are:

Food: comida
Beer: cerveza (birra as well)
Wine: vino
Meat: Carne
Roast meat: Asado

With those five words you can survive and even make very good friends ;)
Cut it large, and smash it into place with a hammer.


Ah! te me adelantaste!!!!!
You got ahead of me!

bueno, completemos el asunto:

switch =  switch, interruptor, conmutador
power supply = fuente de poder
full wave rectifier = rectificador de onda completa
half wave rectifier = rectificador de media onda
input = entrada (entrada also translates as entrance, as in a theatre, or restaurant)
output = salida (exit as well)
switching = interrumpiendo (switch is a verb and a noun)
toggle switch = interruptor de palanca
single = simple
double = doble
triple = triple
op amp = amplificador operacional

phase shifter
delay = retraso (although in this biz we ALL use delay as the word...maybe echo)
summing = sumando
difference = diferencia, restando
differential = diferencial
.::keko::. // desahógate ahora! // Digital « Design » Atelier


... following Johan's lead ... here's my stab at heavy Montreal "French Electronics" - bear in mind there's rolling here too ...

Resistor = une resistance
Capacitor = un condensateur
Diode = une diode (dzi-ode)
Transistor = un transistor (transis-tohr)
Silicon = Silicium
Germanium = Germanium
Battery = une batterie (bat-ree) ... same as for Drum Kit !
Voltage = un voltage
Power = un pouvoir (which translates into "to be able")
Current = un courrant (coo-ranh)
Wire = un fil
Copper = cuivre (kuwivrhh)
Solder = une soudure (soo-dzur)
Circuit = un circuit (sir-kwi)
Schematic = un schema (shay-ma)
Chassis = un chassis (shah-sy)
Plug = une plogue (ploh-gh) !! ... in the east end they might say "ployye"
Jack  = un jack
Cable = un cable (cah-bleh)
Solder Gun = un Fer a Souder (translates into "Iron to Solder" [... with])

Vacuum Tube = une lampe (lam-peh)
Amplifyier = un ampli/ampliff (am-plee)
Headstock = un 'eadstok (ed-stock)
Guitar = ma guitare (gee-tohr)
Speaker = un speaker (spee-kehr)
Fuzz = un fuzz

... well, you've guessed it - after a while techno-Quebecer becomes very anglisized ... it's all in the pronounciation and the superlatives that are added to these words ... I demonstrate:

... "... stupid ^%#ing piece of shit tube !! ..."

translates: "... maudite lampe du saint-sacrament !! ..."

or ...

... " ... where's that damn soldering gun again ??"

translates: "... y'e' ou mon tabarnaque de fer a souder la`h ... ??!"

... of course, you can act out this shit in exaggeration - I think it's a built in self-mocking aspect of the culture ... great for clowning around ...

... the linguistical thing about Quebecois is you can create composite swear words by linking them together with "de" (of) which produces a functional aspect - as in mathematics y = f(x) ... f of x ... but in a quite creative way ... sometimes I feel like our little pesky nation is on earth just for the purpose of coming up with a new dimension on swear strings ... for example ...

"... le Calice d'Enfant d'Chienne de Siboire de Tabarnaque de Transformateur pourrie a brule' ! ..."

closest possible translation in English I can think of ...

"... the f'kn son-of-a-bitch Piss Shit rotten transformer is burnt ! ..."

As you can see it's a pretty sophisticated style of barking.

... salut les boyz !  
jc maillet

Marcos - Munky

Some words in portuguese:

Resistor = resistor or resistência
Capacitor = capacitor
Diode = diodo
Transistor = transistor
Silicon = silício
Germanium = germânio
Battery = bateria (same for drum kit too!!!)
Voltage = voltagem
Power = I think you can use voltagem too. If you put power in a translator, you will get poder, wich isn't the same thing.
Current = corrente
Wire = fio
Copper = cobre
Solder = solda
Circuit = circuito
Schematic = esquemático or esquema
Chassis = chassis (caixa for box)
Plug = plug
Jack = jack
Cable = cabo
Solder Iron = soldador or ferro de solda
Tube = válvula
Amp = amplificador
Acoustic Guitar = violão
Electric Guitar = guitarra
Bass = baixo
Speaker = auto-falante
Beer = cerveja
Wine = vinho
Friend = amigo
Car = carro
Thanks = obrigado


sounds great , 'wish i had the time.  :oops:
              -t om

Marcus Dahl

Quote from: troubledtomsounds great , 'wish i had the time.  :oops:
              -t om

Just learn the words for beer, and I think you will be fine in any bar.  :lol:
Marcus Dahl

Brian Marshall

I grew up in the western US, and australia.  

I learned a little spanish from mi amigos de chicano.

i only can think of one related word that i know for sure

guitar= la guitara.

mi gusta tocar la guitara.

most of the rest of the spanish i know could probably be used to either get in a fight, or find a bathroom if i were lost in mexico.

mi gusta comer tu madre's penoche = please beat me to a bloody pulp.

donde esta el bano?   I need to take a crap.

buenos dias


Paul Perry (Frostwave)

In Australia:
resistor = bloody resistor
cap = bloody cap
Mark Hammer = Bruce Hammer get the idea!
Seriously, another source of 'happy accidents' is searching in google images, looking for fuzz, effect and so on. :shock:



i post the German words.....:

Resistor = Widerstand
Capacitor = Kondensator
Diode = Diode
Transistor = Transistor
Silicon = Silizium
Germanium = Germanium
Battery = Batterie
Voltage = Volt
Power = Strom
Current = Stromstärke
Wire = Draht / Kabel
Copper = Kupfer
Solder = Löten
Circuit = Schaltkreis o. Schaltung
Schematic = Schaltplan o. Schaltbild
Chassis = Gehäuse
Plug = Stecker
Jack = Buchse o. Steckerbuchse
Cable = Kabel

some Additions (ein paar Ergänzungen):

Guitar = Gitarre
Amp = Verstärker
Distortion = Verzerrung
Clipping = Abschneidung (to clip = abschneiden)
Overdrive = Ãœbersteuern
Fuzz = Fussel
Crunch = Knirschen
Feedback = Rückkopplung

OK end of lesson  :D

Only dead Fishes go with the flow... >-))))-°>


let me correct the above german: power = Leistung