Started by iBANEZAce, October 28, 2004, 04:22:36 AM

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Figured I'd post a few pictures I took while building the PT-80 since I didn't really see any anywhere else.

I etched the board myself, went fine, don't know what all the fuss was about the PNP Blue, it worked fine for me, even never having done it before.

As for the build, aside from some slight problems I encountered (hooking my power up backwords) it went fine...thanks to some help from Mr. Schwartz and the rest of the veterans here...just wanted to let you guys know that we all really appreciate all your help in getting our pedals to work.

And the end result? An awesome sounding echo pedal...if you don't have one, build the won't regret it.

Props to Scott Schwartz for this gift... :wink:

Once I was done I wished I would have taken more pics, but this is all I got...hopefully when I get some more time I can get some more pics out.

*** NOTE ***
For anyone wanting to post some pics of pedals you can send them to me and I'll be happy to put them up.
Send to: belljen7[at]



Etched Boxes... :idea:
 Your Pics made me think etched box might look cool.
 Delay...lets you 'be' two places at once !!! Kool !!1
 Nice Pics !!!
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


does the PT-80 have runaway feedback? if you turn the feedback on, say, a memory man up all the way, it goes into self-oscillation. does the PT80 do this too?

are there any mods for it besides those on moosapotumus' website?


Brian Marshall

i built one a few months ago... it's not bad, but i think it could be better, and i am pretty sure it could be simplfied a bit as well.  seems a little over engineered to me