correct polarity. newbi question

Started by Crazy Willy, March 02, 2004, 10:22:21 PM

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Crazy Willy

I'm doing this as a first project, hit a road block.

I don't know which way to solder these resistors, diodes, and capacitors.

what should I look for in a scematic that tells me what end goes where?
Is this question making any sense?


Read the DIY FAQ, it has all the infos about capacitors, resistors, etc.

The capacitors in this schematic are non-polar, so it doesn't matter which way you put them in. Resistors can also be put in either way, and the diodes in this circuit have to be placed in opposing directions.

Crazy Willy


i knew the caps were fine and that the diodes were in diff directtions. it was the resisters that made me wonder.

but thanks.