Favor from Scott Swartz (me asking)

Started by Aharon, March 02, 2004, 01:59:09 PM

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I have the PCB ready,sourced the parts etc. except the 1uF film caps.
I checked the archives for clues and found a couple of people asking the same,if they could use electros.
I could use electros back to back or try to sus the orientation of the caps in the circuit.
Honestly,I can only be sure of the ones going to ground,the rest is harder and makes you prone to many mistakes.
Could it be too much to ask you Scott,to show the orientation of the 1uF caps on the PT-80 schem for those of us a little illiterate?.
Whatever the outcome,thank you.
Thank you


I used electros for some of them. To figure out the orientation, I checked the voltages at each pad. The negative lead goes to the lower voltage pad. At least it's worked so far..


Thanks Matt.Stupid question,you measured without any of the electros in place right? (duh!).
What happened that you only used electros on some,did you have a few 1uF films?.


You can buy the exacts capacitors at Small Bear

Look in the partlist for these:
CDE - (Mouser 5989-100V 1.0) 1 mf. 100 Volts, radial leads

These will fix exactly!





Scott Swartz

I prepared the orientation for electros drawing that you are requesting and forwarded it to JD a while ago, not sure if he ever posted it anywhere or just emailed it to someone who asked or whatever.

In any case, I prefer the poly caps and as discussed above Small Bear carries them.


The only 1uF poly caps I could find locally were very large (1"x.5"). I fit them in where I could and used electros for the rest. I certainly would have preferred to use the recommended caps, but knowing that a year later I still haven't put the effect in an enclosure, I do things any way I can, when I have time..  :oops:


Thanks to all.
Scott,I will email JD.
Thank you