Build Report - EA TREMELO -

Started by BILLYL, March 03, 2004, 07:24:20 AM

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Just finished the EA Tremelo - as found on RunoffGrove - and it is real sweet.  The tremelo is nice and rich and has that old Fender sound.

Major differences in the build as compared to posted is - I can't perf board to save my live.  So I drew up a PCB and laid in the componets that way.  Used 1uf electro and .47 were tant.

A very simple build - producing a nice quality effect.

Thanks to the guys at Runoff Grove.

BILL   :lol:

B Tremblay

Thanks for the report, it's great to hear that you're enjoying it!
B Tremblay

Paul Marossy


I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.