Opamp Little/Big Muff layouts?

Started by bobbletrox, March 06, 2004, 03:50:57 AM

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I've been attempting to make a layout for the opamp little muff using ExpressPCB, and it's not going so well.  Are there any exsisting layouts around that I could take a squizz at?

thanks  :o


I was trying to make a straight copy from the original board, but I got sidetracked. I know it's not the proper way to DIY, but I've been so desparate to clone that damned thing that I am resorting to shortcuts....

If I get that happening, I'll let the board know.



It's people like us who contribute to dead fx pedals selling on eBay for what they'd cost new!


It's people like us who contribute to dead fx pedals selling on eBay for what they'd cost new!


I used Gus's Mod 2 for the OA Big Muff.
 Thing is working great too.
 Not much left of the old Qmuff board I built and boxed a long time ago.
 I thought it sounded pretty good for a minute, actually the one bass player loved that Transistor Big Muff...it worked real good for that [big SS amp with 5 feet high speakers], but 'became' mucky...I think after the new circuit built novelty factor wore off a bit.
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