Are Fuzz Faces Fun?

Started by keko, March 12, 2004, 04:17:33 PM

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oohhh yes!

I've never built a simple fuzz face before. I've done several 'intermediate' projects, but today I built a fuzzFace, and Muffer (amz) and started swaping parts while using them...I didn't realize I spent almost 2 hours just hot-swaping.

They are soo cool.

BTW, is there any chance to blow or damage an amp (jcm900) by removing the clipping diodes on the muffer? The sound gets cleaner, but LOUDER by heaps!!!!
.::keko::. // desahógate ahora! // Digital « Design » Atelier


When you remove the clipping diodes you are left with a booster I guees.
You won't hurt the amp but you may blow a speaker if everything is maxed.

Peter Snowberg

You shouldn't have any problems at all. :D You'll get clipping from your amp preamp, but no damage as these low voltages.

You might also want to try adding a 10K pot in series with your clipping diodes to lower their effect. that way you still get clipping, but you get more signal too.

It's far too easy to spend hours swapping out different caps and making small "adjustments" to circuits. :mrgreen:

Take care,
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