Where are the top of the line effects!

Started by jimbob, March 13, 2004, 02:26:36 AM

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Ive built mant, many effects, and pucrchaced many as well..but im in search of the true allmighty effects--what are they? where are they..i have many boutique effects that are simply "ok" and many diy project such as Runoffgrooves--multi-face that i like so much better at much less cost...--ok cost is not the issue--not much at a realistic level anyway--but i wanna know what the top of the line ones are called and where there found in terms of sound quality--am i in the wrong forum? maybe i should be in a "DIY amplifier" forum? Not sure- though i really enjoy myself here and learn alot--but this need to find thatr allmighty sound that makes me say-"DAMN!" that sounds awsome is still missing--in term of all effects--esp. distortions effects--i really like my new EH Wiggler..not to impressed by any boost effects--i have 5..Boss effects seems "ok"..What are the BIG name brands/ quality that keeps me up at night dreaming about?

"I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?"


Not taking your question lightly...

The four best effects I own are these...
1980 Gibson Les Paul Heritage 80 that weighs 8 lbs 7 oz.
Tom Holmes pickups
Marshall 18 watt clone
A simple dual boost pedal built by a famous builder who frequents this site.

These are the only things I really need for what I consider great tone.
Everything else is just for fun and education.

Peter Snowberg

Not to take the question lightly either, but well put csj.

It's the old garbage in....garbage out addage.

Without a great tone going in and a great amp to make that electrical to kinetic transformation, the stuff in the middle doesn't really matter.

Check out http://www.18watt.com/ and http://www.ax84.com/ if you want to see some great DIY options for the output end.

Take care,
Eschew paradigm obfuscation


A good guitar always helps to get tone... I have an el-cheapo strat copy with microphonic pickups that sound muddy whatever you try through a rubbishy amp. Then a buddy comes along with his platinum BC Rich Warlock and my little amp sounds heavenly. Good tone also comes from the strings and pickups... Then again an excellent amp can make a rubbish guitar sound more than OK.
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.


Check out //www.mindspring.com/~j.blackstone/. Its got to be one of the best overdrives on the market...
Alex Fiddes