2n5088 transistor substitions?

Started by tele_guitarist, March 17, 2004, 10:52:46 PM

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What can I use instead of this? Can I use a 2n3904?



Shrimp down the pants!!!
“It also sounded something like the movement of furniture, which He
hadn't even created yet, and He was not so pleased.” God (aka Tony Levin)

donald stringer

This is easier to obtain than the 5088, for a quick fix, but still doesnt have as high a gain. The 4401 is what I use[radio shack], the 3904 works also but I like 4401 better. 2n222 works[I think], You could try an 3053[tin can type]


BC549C is a commonly available similar type. A 2N3904 has lower gain and more noise.  The PN100A is a bit closer than the 2N3904, and much closer than a 2N2222 (which is really in a different league).
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)

Paul Marossy

2N2222's have a gain of only about 150-200. They are general purpose and are kind of noisy in audio circuits, but not too bad.

I have tried some 2N3053's in a fuzz face circuit, and they sound decent. They are medium gain, in a metal can.

2N3904's are a little bit higher, and are rather noisy for high gain audio circuits.

2N4401's are medium gain (I think around 300-350) and work satifactorily in audio circuits.

2N5088's are much higher gain than any of the above. (400-500?)

I have some 2N5089's that measure over 800!


...sigh... you don't look for transistors to replace the 2N5088. The 2N5088 is what replaces *other* transistors. Remember Keen's Second Law -
"When in doubt, use a 2N5088."


In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


I use a lot of 2N4401 because they are in the little circuit that's in the blinker lights on barricades here at work. They come in busted up and befaore thtrowing them out I snip the little circuit off which nets me:

2each 2N4401 NPN
1each 2N4403 PNP
1 LDR of indeterminate value

I use the 2N4401 though when I need a low/medium gain BJT though, not really as a sub for a 2N5808.




I really like the 5088's.  Like R.G. says "when in doubt, use a 5088!".  They are serious transistors for distortion!  For the price, you can load up on them from small bear.
Life is like a box of chocolates.  You give it to your girlfriend and she eats up the best pieces and throws the rest away.


In the UK: When in doubt use the BC108C - hFE 700 - 1000!

Is there some cross reference between 2Nxxxx series and BCxxx series somewhere?


zachary vex

i've moved to MPSA18 transistors as a sub for 2N5088s and 2N3904s in a lot of my circuits especially where noise is a concern.  they are a highly-recommended Motorola low-noise transistor.


Quotei've moved to MPSA18 transistors
Right on the money, Z.   8)
Better noise figures and similar gain to the BC549C that I recommended above.
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)