Neutron Filter - NuUuUbE Q&A

Started by primalphunk, March 21, 2004, 07:19:12 PM

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I strongly suspect that these are stupid questions regarding the Neutron Filter I'm building from GGG.   :oops:
In spite of that I still need someone that knows whats what to be kind enough to answer me if you've got a sec...  I know with only 7 much simpler projects under my belt so far(Scrambler clone is my hardest so far) that I may have bit off more than I can chew.

1. I'm just dumb enough to be unsure as to just where I am supposed to connect the grounds from the input and output jacks.  Do they go to the pad on the board that the layout diagram has labelled as Signal Ground near the Dual Voltage Supply connection?

2. I'm building this unit without a stereo input jack...just a plain old mono one.  Am I going to need to do anything with the pad labelled Input Stereo Lug to make it work right?  Is there anything else that I need to know to make sure it will work right without the stereo jack?

3. I'm using RG's charge pump option with an Ultraclean Power Supply(also from GGG).  In that case am I supposed to just hook up to the batt + and - pads next to the charge pump to my power supply and leave the Dual Voltage Supply connections alone?

Mike Burgundy

Quote1. I'm just dumb enough to be unsure as to just where I am supposed to connect the grounds from the input and output jacks. Do they go to the pad on the board that the layout diagram has labelled as Signal Ground near the Dual Voltage Supply connection?

Input ground should go to circuit ground (and also nicely doubles as the main ground point)
If you use metal boxes, a ground connection on the output shouldn't be necessary (it grounds through the box). If you use plastic boxes (why?) you should hook up a ground connection to the output as well.

2. I'm building this unit without a stereo input jack...just a plain old mono one. Am I going to need to do anything with the pad labelled Input Stereo Lug to make it work right? Is there anything else that I need to know to make sure it will work right without the stereo jack?

This is about switching the supply? Most pedals use a stereo input jack with the battery - hooked up to the jack's ring connection. If you plug in a mono jack, the plug shorts the ring to mass connetcing the battery to mass and turning on power to the pedal.
You can skip this and wire normally, but keep in mind the pedal will eat batteries even in storage..

Quote3. I'm using RG's charge pump option with an Ultraclean Power Supply(also from GGG). In that case am I supposed to just hook up to the batt + and - pads next to the charge pump to my power supply and leave the Dual Voltage Supply connections alone?
are you boosting the vltage or not? what exactly is going on? Links are handy, I don't have an answer ready for now...



Ok, hope this helps...

1) It appears that you can tie both input grounds to that point labeled signal ground.

2) You can probably build this with a mono jack and leave that pad empty, but if you are using batteries, you will have no way to stop the power drain without disconnecting the battery itself.

3) I know nothing of charge pumps so i'll leave that one alone  :P
"You're just another victim" - Tazz


Thanx Mike and Impaler for the help!  I still have this one last issue if anybody knows the answer for sure.

Quote from: primalphunkI strongly suspect that these are stupid questions regarding the Neutron Filter I'm building from GGG.   :oops:
In spite of that I still need someone that knows whats what to be kind enough to answer me if you've got a sec...  I know with only 7 much simpler projects under my belt so far(Scrambler clone is my hardest so far) that I may have bit off more than I can chew.

3. I'm using RG's charge pump option with an Ultraclean Power Supply(also from GGG).  In that case am I supposed to just hook up to the batt + and - pads next to the charge pump to my power supply and leave the Dual Voltage Supply connections alone?

Oh yeah...and here is a link to the neutron instructions in a pdf file from GGG.

BTW - Did I say thanx for entertaining my stupid questions?  oh yeah...I just did...doh