Magic trick: Sawing a CLM 6000!

Started by gorohon, April 03, 2004, 11:32:17 PM

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I have  three dead CLM6000's.  I was wondering how to test them to make sure that they're dead before attempting the "sawing the lady in half" magic routine (they didn't work in the effect and fresh ones did).  

Here's what I'm thinking: If the photo coupler is dead, which part is gone?  Is it the LED or the LDR?  If the LDR is still good, is it possible to do some magic by cutting into the casing and separating it; thereby, having an LDR that has that CLM6000 swing and recovery?  I figure that if it's possible, the thing to do would be to pair it up with another LED, then use heat shrink to make it light tight.  Would this be a good way to salvage these things?
"Come on in...I've got caaandy!" H.S.


Well, it could be the LED burning out, which is much more likely than you putting to much wattage through the resistor... in which case your salvaging method would probably work.


Paul Perry (Frostwave)

I had to cut a GOOD one in half once, to get a LDR that was "just right" for a Morley optical wah that I was repairing. (the original one had been ripped out & replaced by an ORP12 lookalike). The tragic thing is, I d\suspect it was just an alignment problem in the foirst place, before it came to me!
If the LED is burnt out, it probably will look "wrong" when you check it by multimeter (should be avolt or so on diode test one direction, open circuit the other if it is good).


i agree w/Paul.
it probably the LED.
i've burned out several CLM6000s w/2 much LED current.
sawing them in half---
now there's an idea!!!!!!!
too bad i threw them away 20yr ago....
mayB i'll burn one out---NOT!
TONE to the BONE says:  If youTHINK you got a GOOD deal:  you DID!


"Come on in...I've got caaandy!" H.S.


I did the deed, and it was not hard.  I used a fresh razor blade and cut the CLM6000 guinea pig down the exact center (cross-section).  I gently rolled the blade back and forth, ensuring a straight cut.  Now that I had the capsule open, I could see both the LED and the LDR in their respective halves.  I verified that the LED was burned out (BTW the LED was a small, clear type).  The LDR was hokked up to my DMM and tested under a lamp and then covered with my hand.  It worked exactly as it should.  Now I can find a clear LED to pair it with and put it to work instead of out to pasture :)

If you attempt this, cut down the center cross-section.  Take your time, and be careful.  Try to make a single slice, because if everything turns out to be working, contrary to what you believed, then you could easily superglue it back again.  There should be enough room to cut between the LED and LDR to not ruin any of these parts, so long as you are careful.
"Come on in...I've got caaandy!" H.S.