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OT Name that tune

Started by Alex C, April 08, 2004, 03:47:49 AM

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Alex C

Hey, I've heard a song on the radio a few times and I can't figure out what it's called.  I've searched everything I can think of, everywhere, and asked all my friends and anyone I meet.  Please help!  

It's a classic rock song, and I think it sounds like Guns 'n Roses, but I can't find the song title or who does it.  The lyrics go like this: "I feel the sun shinin' [then the backround singers chime in] (Down on me)"   and then something like "I feel the heat of love's flame coming (Down on me)."   It rocks hard, and is smooth and melodic, and I need to know what it is.  I figured this is a good place to ask.  Thanks in advance for your help.



im so embarrassed to know this but i think its jackyl or however its spelled "down on me"

Alex C

By golly, that's it!  Thanks so much.  And there's nothing to be ashamed of.  :)


Arno van der Heijden

If you know some lines, try Google. Always works...

Alex C

Yeah, I tried that, and I know it sounds dumb, but I couldn't find anything.  Really, I searched for a long time.  :)    I tried all kinds of variations of "down on me"  "I feel the sun shining down on me," etc.  



I'm a lumberjack now BABY!!


Alex C

Quote from: RDVI'm a lumberjack now BABY!!


I just heard this song, and it's awesome!  Why haven't I heard of this band before?  I like the singer's voice a lot.  I thought Eddie's "Poundcake" drill was an impressive use of a power tool, but a CHAINSAW in tune with the song?  Genious!
