Need a slicer shematic

Started by fab, April 21, 2004, 05:31:49 AM

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I seek a schematic of slicer.  does somebody have this schema?

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Fab, by 'slicer' do you mean something to turn an audio signal on and off quickly? Using a 555 timer diode flasher circuit to illumimate a LDR will do it, where the LDR is the bottom of a pair of resistors that are dividing the signal, like a pot.


Peaked my interest....
"Slicer" is the name of a patch in the GT3 and GT6 Guitar Processors
by that big company, BOSS(Roland).
i've always loved the Slicer demos, but have always wondered
how it was done(?) [i know, it's ALL DSP].
My first(and 2nd) thoughts were that the sound is like switching
bewteen 2 filters.   (bandpass??    different freq tuning??)
Been looking 2 buy a GT3(cheaper than GT6) just to give a closer
listen to the Slicer patch.
BTW, the GT5 doesn't seem 2 have the Slicer patch(?)
I anyone know *definitively* what the "Slicer" sound it,
i'd B most interested in hearing a "descrete analog" wav recording.
TONE to the BONE says:  If youTHINK you got a GOOD deal:  you DID!


thx for the reply.
I've tried a synth VCA with a square LFO and it's ok for me.