Matchless Hotbox/Vibrobox build ??'s

Started by Mike Nichting, May 04, 2004, 01:00:31 PM

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Mike Nichting

hey all,
I am building these effects from JD's as well as Effectronics sites. I need help with the bridge rectifier tho. Help finding one or can I make my own or even use a Tube rectifier in it's place??
I need 6.3V to the heaters and can't do the math to figure out what I need to do.
If you look at the power section you will see the bridge rectifier so any help would be greatly appreciated~!!! I can't wait to fire these up~!!


 Thanks all,
"It's not pollution thats hurting the earth, it's the impurities in the water and air that are doing it".
Quoted from a Vice President Al Gore speech

Jim Jones

Hey Mike,

For the recitifer you can use individual 1N4007's and just wire them up in a bridge fashion.  I don't know if DC heaters are necessary or not (I still haven't gotten around to building those!), regardless the power transformer specified has a 6.3V AC winding, just rectify it and feed it into a big-ass cap if you want DC heaters.



hey mike , i've made several of these and have all the parts you need to get you started correctly.  first off, do you have an appropriate power transformer yet?   do your secondaries have ct's or not?  i have a package of parts including a 2 piece box (slightly larger than the hotbox box) a power transformer, cord, h.v bridge rect., 6.3 v bridge rect and 10000mf./10v filter cap, 2 very nice rt. angle mount tube sockets.  everything else to build it is very common to the standard 9v stompbox diy crowd.  i have a couple of these left if your interested ($58).  just email me at   or if you already have your parts, just email me anyway if you have build questions (ie---where to appropriately lay out parts in your box, etc.) . you will need to run your tube filaments on dc because it is way more quiet in a stompbox setting since any hum will be amplified by your amp when you use the box.  anyway, if you want, contact me.   good luck.    rh


i'm not sure why the emoticon popped up, but the price is 58 dollars.  thanks to those of you that have bought these in the past.     rh