ehx electric mistress transformer?

Started by marrstians, May 18, 2004, 12:45:58 AM

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where can i find the transformer for the ehx mistress from ggg? i'm not sure what all the ratings should be... could i use an old transformer from a broken ehx memory man? it's an 18volt transformer but it only has two wires coming out of it? help...


it says 18 on the schem... it has a 15 volt regulator also...

Yuan Han


You're using the board i sent you yeah?

I think i left 2 diodes on it and drilled some extra holes compared to the GGG layout. I was using a AC-AC poweradapter supplying i think 15V that goes to retifying diodes and the LM powerregulator or something.

Using a transformer would be harder i guess.
