Octavia and mid controls...

Started by tomtom, May 20, 2004, 01:28:15 PM

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I have tried both the FTM and the Tycobrahe and love them (the Tyco is insane !). I have some issues on both.

The tycobrahe works great, I have tried some mods but the bare circuit works better without I think. I was thinking about adding a Mid scoop to it, a pot to remove mids. So far no valuable results, maybe you could help me.

The FTM is the opposite, I would like to add mids to it, with a pot too. I looked carefully to the circuit and found a resistors/capacitors network between the first and second transistor that looks similar to the switchable mid scoop found on the Univox Superfuzz. I wonder if it shape the sound like the univox switch did. How can I add a pot to control this scoop if it's one?

Mark Hammer

I would think that the midscoop will be a more effective part of the circuit if inserted AFTER all the distortion and octave generation is done.  Any filtering earlier on in the signal path will necessarily lower signal level, which will have the effect of reducing the amount of clipping and octaving obtainable.  Once you actually *have* the harmonics and octave-doubling, then it becomes more feasible to vary the relative balance of those elements by filtering without destroying the basic character of the effect.