here is our third post of our first pedal...aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Started by el duderino, May 18, 2004, 02:50:44 PM

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el duderino

you can keep my finger nails clean




Nice finish :P  What circuit is inside? Seems that the enclosure is too large as the top is only occupied by a sole pot and the switch. Nonetheless, great work! :P  

Could have been better seen if the image is larger :wink:
Oh yeah!

el duderino

you can keep my finger nails clean

el duderino

you can keep my finger nails clean


That Works !!!
 Nice design / Looks Great!!!!!!!
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Rain Dog

Quote from: el duderinoits a tsa rip...... the big box is on purpose :D  :D
Err... tsa rip? Wanna run that by me again? What's it do?

Nice box by the way.
This space for rent.


el duderino

you can keep my finger nails clean