Boss BD-2 mods questions

Started by Danny G, May 21, 2004, 10:53:57 AM

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Danny G

I've been modding my BD-2 Blues Driver with the Keeley mods listed on his site along with the Indyguitarist mods.  Sounds killer so far!  

As the finishing touch I'd like to replace the ceramic caps with Silver Mica, and was wondering... do I have to replace them value for value, or are there different values that will sound better?

Any input would be much appreciated!


K tyepey time...
 Caps let higher frequencies through them.
 So a cap in signal path, lets highs through and cut bass. *High pass filter
 Larger values cut more bass. More treble content output  .  per input the cap.
 A cap still passing treble...from signal path to ground [shunting high frequencies to ground]=lets bass through not highs *low pass filter
 also conversly, the larger the values from signal to ground...the more treble gets shunted/more bass content per unit of 'sound'.
  :idea:  AMZ  :D
 ..Also see below
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So if the amount of highs content is bothering you [?], you could raise the value of the cap from signal to ground and/ or the cap the goes across the diodes in the OA feedback loop.
 If you'd like more bass increase value of caps at input, between stages, and output. Input and output caps are also called DC blocking. Since they only let 'frequencied' current pass, DC doesn't. Huge uf values notwithstanding and OT.
 It is purported [proven that a '*small' fidelity difference exists] that snazzy caps increase fidelity, there are 'small' differences in tolerances, how accurately the stated Uf is to actual Uf, I find that with shiny caps this is of small concern.
 Depends on your definition of 'small'.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.