Shake Tube power section Q's

Started by petemoore, May 26, 2004, 04:18:11 PM

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I decided to scrap the first draft, after all the corrections, the board got to crowded and messy... :cry:
 I built a new power section [a 10ohm, 2 diodes, a 1k, a 470ohm, and 4 X 470uf 35v caps.Tthe connections double check, as far as I can see.
 I took these readings, hoping that even without the rest of the circtuit connected, this section can be verified or debugged:
 Input= 10.84VAC [to ground and the 10ohm] from Wallwart.
 Output=28.Volts  DC [very close to 28]
  Output seems a littel high, perhaps caused by a tolerance difference?
 Do these numbers look like they're ok to work with?
 The next board will host the OA, Tube & related circuitry. I'm hoping to be able to debug in sections like this, it seems like a good idea for a tubeeginner [tube beginner]...course as a beginner I would'nt really know if breaking it down like this works or if the rest of the circtuit needs to be connected to test the PS section.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.

Paul Marossy

28 volts does seem a little high, I don't think that I mine measured that high with a starting voltage of 13VAC. Did you hook up the tube filaments? You will measure a higher voltage after the voltage doubler with no load on your wallwart. In any case, most opamps will handle an "absolute maximum" differential voltage of 30 volts.


Going to continure wiring ST #2 !!
Convention creates following, following creates convention.