OT- www.garageband.com

Started by bwanasonic, June 01, 2004, 02:59:16 AM

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Anyone interested in hearing my music can now go to:


Since the demise of www.mp3.com this stuff has been in limbo. Except for *Pulstar* and *Bmulchylodian*, which are fairly recent Pro Tools efforts, the rest of the material is from circa 1984-90 on my 4tk cassette. I hope to get some new stuff up soon.

Kerry M

Eric H

listened to all of them last night --you're a fine player, Kerry.
The riff in Pulstar is nasty.  
"Bmulchylodian" sounds a bit like an outtake from a Holdsworth tune, when he was with Tony Williams --that's a good thing. ;)

" I've had it with cheap cables..."


Quote from: Eric Hlistened to all of them last night --you're a fine player, Kerry.
The riff in Pulstar is nasty.  
"Bmulchylodian" sounds a bit like an outtake from a Holdsworth tune, when he was with Tony Williams --that's a good thing. ;)

Thanks for listening! The stompbox content for the two tracks you mentioned would be that both were recorded direct with a Tech 21 GT2. Kind of blows my cover as a tube snob!  I work 2nd shift, so when I get home at midnight, it's not real practical to crank an amp, so I often just set up a loop in Audiomulch and just spew through the GT2 direct to ProTools for therapeutic purposes.

Kerry M