need help with the jerkulator, please!

Started by foxfire, May 31, 2007, 05:02:22 PM

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i spent a good 5 hours last night on it with no luck. i'm using the perf layout at home-wrecker. i could get a bypassed signal, but when i turned it on i got signal but no distortion. i think it was my wiring? i tried every combination i could think of. if someone could explain how to wire this up that would rule! i assumed that gain lug 3 was input from the switch and that volume lug 2 was output to the switch. and volume lug 1 would go to ground. is any of that right?


If you're getting signal but no distortion, it's probably something with the on-board wiring.  Based on what you described, it sound like you have the off-board wiring correct (just make sure the switch isn't shorting).  Check to make sure that Q2 is grounded, etc.  If you have a multimeter, check the pin voltages too.  Are you getting any boost, or just a straight signal?


well i just rebuilt it. i have it wired without a switch. i have gain lug 3 to input jack switch, gain lugs 1 and 2 are going to their respective places on the board. i have volume lug 3 going to the .1uf cap. i have volume lug 2 going to the output jack tip, and volume lug 1 going to ground on the board. i have 9+ going to its place on the board and 9- going to the ring on the input jack. i get no signal at all. any ideas as to what i'm doing wrong?


if i disconnect the board ground from the out put jack i get signal that i can control with the gain and volume controls, but it is not distorted at all.


well i got it working. i put the transistor jumper in the wrong place, i had the pnp in backwards and i either killed the 2n3904 i had in q1 or it was just bad. now all i have to do is add the diodes with a switch and wire up on/off switch. oh and get some nice ge transistors to play with. thanks for the advise DuoSonicboy.