PLEASE HELP -Hammond mods on a Crybaby

Started by tcobretti, September 07, 2004, 02:44:50 AM

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No sound when the wah is engaged.  

I thought maybe I had the jfet in wrong so I reversed it, and it continued to not work when the wah is on, but still works fine with the wah off.  That seemed weird to me because the jfet part of the circuit is before the swich - it's always on.  So if I reverse the jfet I would think it would make a difference.  I'm measuring 9v at the drain and .6 at the source.

How hard is it to mess up the inductor?

How does the idiot wah stack up against a crybaby?  (Not that I'm all that impressed with the CB)  Do you get a good "wah" from the Idiot when running into a fuzz box?

I've checked and rechecked my work.  I'm sure I made some stupid mistake, but I can't seem to find it.  

Any ideas on how to troubleshoot it?

Here's the schem:



if you have a audio probe you could test the circuit and find where your signal loss is happening, but for starters post voltage readings on your tranny's and fet on here, it'll give somebody a chance to help you on this,


check the pinouts on your FET too - google for "J201 datasheet"