Scoped tube screamer?

Started by freebird1127, September 02, 2004, 01:14:43 PM

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Hey all,

Is a scoped TS supposed to look like a plateau-d hilly countryside or a skewed triangle wave or is it supposed to be more of a jellybeaned sine wave?  Does anyone know?

Evan Haklar
What's the difference between incompetence and indifference?  I don't know and I don't care!


Are you talking about the shape of the waveform you see on an oscilloscope?  That depends on the frequency of the input, where you set the tone control, etc.


Yes that's what I'm talking about, the waveshape on output.  I know it depends on what you have the settings at, but I'm just trying to find out as much as I can. What would it be for 1kHz Sine in and 6 6 6 on the controls?   What would it be for 10kHz?  etc...

You guys think that If I'm using +/- 15V rails that I have to adjust some components for gain in the clipping stage?  IE so that the gain set by impedance at a certain frequency hits or does not hit the rail limits of the op-amp?  Anyone ever done this before?
Evan Haklar
What's the difference between incompetence and indifference?  I don't know and I don't care!


OK I see what you're saying - basically, what does increasing the supply voltage do to the sound.  FWIW, here's a simulation of a 1Khz, 55mV sine wave into a TS-808 circuit, drive cranked, volume cranked, tone at half.  Top is @ 30V supply voltage, bottom is 9V supply voltage:

The signal is mostly being clamped by the clipping diodes.


Great!  And that's pretty much what my signal looks like comin out, maybe just a little more skewed.  Thanks CD!

EDIT:  CD, what's the volts per division on the y axis of that scope for that measurement?  I just wanna know what the output Vp-p is for the signal.
Evan Haklar
What's the difference between incompetence and indifference?  I don't know and I don't care!


Not a problem.  I think I had the graph set at 100mV/division... which doesn't make sense (would make the p/p signal around 300mV).  Hm, I'm double check tomorrow.


Hey cd, nice simulation. What software are you using? Also, where did you get the TS808 simulation - did you do it yourself? Thanks.


Forgot to update this post.  I forgot to save the graph but I'm pretty sure it was 100mV/div.  I use Multisim7 (  It allows you to build a circuit very quickly, schematic style, then slap a virtual oscilloscope on the end to check the output.  It's not perfect (depending on what opamp model you use the output can be wrong) but it gives you a general idea of what the output should be.


One of you guys needs to change your name. It's confusing my short-sighted little brain  :wink:


Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Hi.  For those of us that have delayed and delayed and delayed picking up SPICE, this looks VERY interesting...
thanks lotz
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)