Please check my Bosstone layout...

Started by rbdl, June 04, 2006, 08:15:33 AM

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Hi Guys,

This is my first attempt at designing a PCB layout from a schematic. I thought I'd start with an easy one, and Aron Nelson's Jordan BossTone schematic looked good and I didn't want to do another Fuzz Face. I think I reversed the wiring of one of the pots, and i added a pull down resistor off the input. I have just guessed the transistor orientation, but that is easily fixed when I check the data sheets.
Here it is, let me know if there are any mistakes or if I could make any improvements. Thanks.


Nice, I see only 1 easy to fix error. R4, R5 & C3 need to be connected to R6 at Q2. No power to Q1 without that.

Richard Boop


thanks Richard, I wouldn't have noticed that. I think C2 is incorrect as well.


Richard Boop


Yes thats not going to be such an easy fix either. The pull down should connect to C1 then the center lug (lug 2) of the pot is connected to that. Input goes directly to lug 3 of the pot.
Richard Boop


get it all debugged.. id build one copying that on a pad per hole board... and then etch it... i think your board is just about to scale... thats a good design because its tight together, and small, but not the the point that soldering it will be hell... not bad for a first time at all friend


time to go and buy a breadboard i think - thanks guys.