in the market for a pedalboard...

Started by runmikeyrun, December 05, 2004, 08:41:01 PM

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I'm asking santa for a pedal board this year and i was wondering what kind you all use... i'm looking to keep it affordable so things like power strips and 9V plugs aren't necessary, just a good sturdy case.  I have like 5 pedals, three of which are of decent size (budda zenman as well as a couple others like it, they're about the size of a NYC Big Muff) and a wah so i don't want to get one too small... i was thinking about getting this one made by Core One, the large one is 89.99 at musicians friend.

The other ones i've checked out look okay too but cost significantly more.  As much as i would like to build one it's out of the question at this point in my life (no tools right now) Any thoughts/ideas would be appreciated.

Bassist for Foul Spirits
Head tinkerer at Torch Effects
Instagram: @torcheffects

Likes: old motorcycles, old music
Dislikes: old women


Hi Mike,

I don't know if this will be of much help to you, but you could also try and find one second hand. I bought my pedal case second hand a while back for AU$99 (about US$77) and it's a heavy duty flight case about 85cm (2'10") long, 33cm (1'1") wide, 17cm (7") high, with a flat lid that can be used as the pedal board itself (like in your picture). Also, being a flight case, it's of a really heavy duty, aluminium covered construction and has those nifty, unbreakable, recessed twisting latches to close it.
It might be an idea to check out your local trading post, ebay or the second hand section that some music stores have (i've often seen good sized ATA approved flight cases on ebay). Either way, for 90 odd dollars, that musicians friend case doesn't look too shabby at all (mind you, musicans friend prices are pretty much unheard of here in Australia), however if you can get a used, similar-sized, good condition flight case for similar $$$, then i'd probably go that way, simply for the sturdyness it offers... although you've gotta love that diamond plate!  8)

Anyway, just a thought...


With a cheep garage sale radial hand saw, basic carpenters saw, a nice straight board and some small nails [for setting the straight edge  board and letting the saw pass unimpeded] you can make a box [if you take your time with the cuts, think it out...fitting the top and bottom 'inside' you have to add the depth of the plywood to some of the board cuts etc.] then tack a slightly larger board than the box to the box, to be used as a straight edge for the side of the saw guide plate [just happens to be about the right length so the blade cuts just above the bottom through the side boards all the way around, leaving a tray for the bottom [where the pedals go] that perfecly matches the top part of the box.
 A couple clasps and some rounding of the edges and finishing, feet and a handle made of seatbelt [drilled a hole, threaded the seat belt in, and opened the folds on the inside and tacked them down] later...and that's my box.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


hey mike
i have the big "core" one.  it is a  good board. i ended up spray painting a solid color over the diamond plate, but i really dig mine. i got it for $59.00?

i run: wah[crybaby]->od 250 clone[1590b]-> rodent[1590bb]-> tube reamer[1590b]->boss TU 2[tuner]

i have my tuner last so i can split the signal to two twins.

there is plenty of room for all of the effects mentioned above. i use george l cables, but there is still a decent amount of space between my pedals.

what i really like about the board, is the slant that the pedals rest on. it is at a really good angle. when you start working the wah wah it is alot better for keeping your balance. and the little storage channel next to the riswr is good for keeping earplugs, b-up patch, smokes, etc.

let me know if you want me to post a pic of mine,
be well,


Quote from: runmikeyrunI'm asking santa for a pedal board this year and i was wondering what kind you all use... i'm looking to keep it affordable so things like power strips and 9V plugs aren't necessary, just a good sturdy case.  I have like 5 pedals, three of which are of decent size (budda zenman as well as a couple others like it, they're about the size of a NYC Big Muff) and a wah so i don't want to get one too small... i was thinking about getting this one made by Core One, the large one is 89.99 at musicians friend.

The other ones i've checked out look okay too but cost significantly more.  As much as i would like to build one it's out of the question at this point in my life (no tools right now) Any thoughts/ideas would be appreciated.


I too am looking for a pedal board from Santa this year. I think I'll point him to Rondo music in NJ (USA)
They are very good on price, and nice people to work with.
I purchased a Les Paul clone from them 2 years ago, and am still very pleased with it.
What is the difference between mechanical engineers and civil
Engineers? Mechanical engineers build weapons and civil engineers
Build targets.

Mike Burgundy


I've got one of the smaller Core pedal boards. It's not a bad deal for the price but it's not a great board by any stretch.

It's not very sturdy and I really don't think it would hold up on the road that well. The latches on the back aren't made very good and I'm waiting for them to break. The angle of the inside of the board doesn't allow me to close the lid if I have two rows of pedals - I have to turn the pedals on the top row sideways to get the top on and closed.

But, it has served it's purpose. And, again, for the price it's not a bad deal. If you're planning on taking this thing on the road though I would recommend something sturdier.



Yeah, sturdier or FLIMSIER!  I have enough problems hauling one or two guitars plus maybe a head and speaker cabinet...I personally wouldn't want to lug around something so clunky and heavy.

I think these look cool, and it would be much easier to throw a gigbag over your shoulder than carry around that box.  That is, unless you have roadies or something!


I see these guys pretty often on Ebay:

They seem to have some pretty basic cases at reasonable prices - I've never seen one in real life, so I have no idea if they're any good.  There are some other direct sellers marketing on Ebay, too - just search under "pedalboard" - I couldn't find the link, but there is a guy who sells these cool looking boards that are made from metal grate . . .


You get what you pay for I guess. Check out:

You'll get a lot more pedalboard for your money ( a 24" X 15" with fully integrated case is $119).  I think if you factor in the value of your pedals, you'll find it's worth spending a bit more to protect them.

Kerry M

Paul Marossy

I made my own out of a bass guitar case, and got exactly what I wanted. Hardly cost me anything to make.

I have personally seen one of those Core pedal boards at Sam Ash. They look good, but they really are not worth the money, IMO. I would trust my DIY pedalboard over that one...

Now, the one that I think Pedal Pad makes seems to be pretty nice. Way bulkier than my taste allows, it's like a small suitcase when it's closed up, but it also has a lot of nice features if you don't mind spending ~$300 for one.  8)


Thanks guys for the input.  Looks like 1 yay and 1 nay for the Core board...  i went to the local music store today (akron music) and they said if i make up my own sheet of plywood they can order a custom sized road case to fit it for like $100.  Problem is they don't have any examples of them in the store and i'm really leery of ordering something i haven't seen yet.

I really really don't have any woodworking tools, but my dad has a whole basement full of them.  Problem is i don't have the time until after xmas to go use em all and build something.  I'm going to try to get up to a sam ash near me, about an hour drive to check out the core pedalboard.  If it doesn't look like something i would want, i will probably get to the home depot, have them cut a piece of 3/4 out for me and get that custom sized case.  Save that, and i might wait until after the xmas insanity is over and go make one at my dad's house.  I always prefer home made over store bought anyhow (imagine that).  Shoot, i just remembered i have some plywood left over from when we built our skate park, and some 2x6s as well... i guess i have the materials covered.

Thanks for all the input guys, and pete/nightngale that would be really awesome if you posted a pic of your box.  

Bassist for Foul Spirits
Head tinkerer at Torch Effects
Instagram: @torcheffects

Likes: old motorcycles, old music
Dislikes: old women

Danny G

I build these, check 'em out:

These are 16"x24"

This monster is 19"x42" and has tilt casters on the side/

Paul Marossy

Those are nice cases that you make there!  8)



Which guitar did you get?  The reviews at Harmony Central are outstanding for Rodman......



wow those are super nice pedal boards... but they look to be a bit out of my price range.  I really wish i had the extra cash to support independents like you, but at this point i just can't afford it.  I apologize.

I also found some other cases made by coffin case.  It's a regular rectangular case for 89.99 with the german cross embossed into the metal case which is kinda cool i suppose.  Nobody carries them around me i called about 20 music stores but they're available from sam  I am going to drive up there to check out the Core one on Monday.  If it's nice i'll probably get it.

Thanks again for all the help guys.
Bassist for Foul Spirits
Head tinkerer at Torch Effects
Instagram: @torcheffects

Likes: old motorcycles, old music
Dislikes: old women