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SD-1 Layout

Started by ildar, June 12, 2004, 11:08:39 PM

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In looking over some old topics, I came across Keeley's SD-1 mod that I'd like to perform on my MIT SD-1. However, when I opened her up, I saw that the caps are not labelled like the diodes and trannies. Since I have to replace a few caps, I need help. Can anyone help me i.d. them?


Well... we need some pics of the guts of this pedal. IMO (this is something I think is real useful, as I always have spare caps everywhere) you should consider getting a multimeter with cap reading capabilities. well, anywhoo, post some pics, and I should be able tp help ya.


Ok, thanks. I'll post a pic asap.


The pic doesn't want to load, so here's the url:  Paste it into the address bar,  it won't load the page by just clicking.
Sorry about the username of the site, it's my daughter's   :)


I guess what I need help with here is identifying C5 and C6. When I said they were not labelled, I meant the board does not have indentifying labels where the caps are, like those for the diodes and transistors.

If anyone can help, please!


Go by the labelling on the cap itself.  473 = .047uf, 222 = .0022uf, 104 = .1uf, etc.


I guess that would work, but if more than one cap with the same value exists, I still don't know which to replace, as Keeley's mod replaces specific caps.


Quote from: ildarI guess that would work, but if more than one cap with the same value exists, I still don't know which to replace, as Keeley's mod replaces specific caps.

Look at a schematic and locate the exact cap by seeing what else is connected to it (transistor, resistor, pin on op-amp, etc.)

Blue Mark

c5 should be left of c6


Hi, I tried the link hoping to find the pcb layout for the SD1 but somehow it show's up as error or something. Can someone please help me? Hey this place is just great and yah I do love my SD1 and I've just discovered that I'm no longer alone. Cheers!