Netiquette suggestions for this forum

Started by bigjonny, December 18, 2004, 05:24:15 PM

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Yes, I think phpBB has got to improve the forum search functions.


Quote from: zachary vex
Quote from: bigjonny...Sugesstion #1 (searching better): learn to use Google's advanced features
Is everybody aware of the site-specific search function at Google?  You can type a query like, germanium diode, and Google will only search for the words "germanium" and "diode"...

actually, if you do exactly that, you'll notice that the site is searched but the forum is not.
Yeah, actually I was mainly thinking of other sites that have, confusing navigation when I wrote that.  The search function here works pretty good.  I wasn't trying to knock it.  It's just easy to use the site you are posting at as an example...  I guess that could cause some confusion.  Thanks for pointing that out!
EDIT (expounding): I put up "Suggestion #1" to help somebody when someone tells them, "go find such-and-such information at"  Well, maybe its best to search specifically for "such-and-such", rather than wade through the whole site.   Here, you'll eventually have to use the Search tool, which is the way it should be, lest robots take over the site.

On the other hand, its a great way to dig through the DIY FAQ that's under so much fire. 8) I'm not knocking the DIY FAQ, either.  I agree it could be better, but better to have the info available than not.

BTW â€" great discussion thus far!

Paul Marossy

The DIY FAQ section should be required reading and you have to pass a test on it when you sign up to be a member.  :wink:

Seriously, when I first started building stuff, it was a great resource.  8)


Is this too simple to work?
I only populated a few items under 'Parts' for you to check out.

I did this in 5 minutes, using a pre-installed FAQ script in my server. It has a few too many drawbacks to be completely useful, but I thought it could be a nice starting point, as we look for a way to develop it.

If we start to work on this idea (not my proposal, but the idea of reworking the faq), I think we should stress on organization of the new content, and the addition of new items.

But Aron is right when he says "it's the thread about what matters, what doesn't."

We should analyze if organizing thing hierarchically is any way better than, say, by size, or color.

Just my 10 pesos (about 2 cents)!
.::keko::. // desahógate ahora! // Digital « Design » Atelier


It's ok, but we could add threads to the forum for each of those topics and have the answers in each thread.
