Inspired by RDV - My SI CRAZY TB

Started by Phorhas, January 02, 2005, 08:06:01 AM

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Inspired bt RDV's SI TB I build a TB style Si fuzzer with the following mods -

Q1 - 31 Hfe 2N2369A
Q2 - 120 Hfe 2N4401
Q3 - 210 Hfe 2N4401

input cap is 0.1 and I omitted the .01 hi cut cap
no resistor to ground on both Q 2& Q3
Fuzz knob is fixed 1K
emitter bypass cap on Q3 was 6u6 to 100u... I can't decide :)
the output is taken right from Q3's collector
out cap is .47u and volume pot 10K

This is ONE NASTY FUZZ... only one knob - it was very responsive to volume adjustment from the guitar.

with singels it goes from The wind cries mary breaking semi clean to NASTY moderd harmonics rich fuzz.

with bucker it can't get real clean and can go to octave sizzle fuzz a-la american woman and Little wing solo.

I love it.
Electron Pusher



I'm working on it :)

My computer is down for the moment so it'll take sometime, but - it's on the way, along with afew other samples :)
Electron Pusher


How does it sound compared to the sample I posted last night?



The coll thing about it - is that it's very responsive to the guitar setings, so basically it can get more treble sould you desire it, and when you close the tone knob you get more classic fuzz tones (and something really cool with my guitar - when I close the tone on the middle and bridge PU I get a sweet half-way wah tone - but I think it because of the guitar, I can get that with my amp's OD as well).

It can deliver real DIrty unfocused MEATL tones. it's really a veritile little box.

I goes from Jimi to Jimmy
Electron Pusher