Mesa-Boogie speakersim.?

Started by Johan, December 31, 2004, 05:55:28 AM

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has anyone tried the speakersim that sits in the old MesaBoogie studio preamp?
I've heard good things about it but havnt tried it yet. its a passive design with only a couple of resistors and caps but what appearantly sets it appart from others is an inductor ( wich is why i didnt just put one together and tried it yet..)
this inductor supposedly makes it much more convincing and I guess it makes sence in a way..LRC-filters are much more complex than simple RC-filters...
I see no reason this wouldnt be a very simple, effective and usefull project, so as soon as the hollidays are over, I'll chase down that inductor..


Arno van der Heijden

Maybe you can substitute the inductor for an opamp based gyrator?


... you may wanna check out the MESA rec-out circuit found in the DC-3 - it's very stand-alone friendly - and will give a deep notch ...

... the input is taken off the output of the preamp and the circuit itself has little gain  ... just replace the gnd, -15v, -30v lines by +15, gnd, -15 ... adjust gain levels or stick a 10kLOG volume pot at the output accordingly ...

... compare to Triaxis and V-Twin rec-out versions on this page :

... jc


I kind of like the passive designes thou. has had better luck with them than with the active designes. I've been using huges&kettners "red box" for years and allways thought it sounded better that all the active designes I've seen ( marshall, dod, and so on..) and a someone said the mesa one sounded even better..  "recording out"  above the phace inverter...

real simple...and a 0,22H coil is probably much easier to find than a 1H that sits in their active design..



You can actually purchase the 1H inductor from mesa.  I've spoken to their parts people a few times about doing it.