Finished Fuzz Face, and Bad Horsie Mods

Started by jayp5150, January 10, 2005, 06:42:39 PM

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Thanks to everyone on this site for info over the past few months.

I just finished a FF.  It was basically Orman's YAFF, but with the Easy Face's input cap blend, and a dpdt to switch between the stock 100k feedback resistor and a 1n34/1n914 loop (like in the Many Faces of the Fuzz article--thanks B Trembly for pointing that out).  It sounds killer!  Sorry no pics or clips, no server space yet.

I also finally finished modding my BH wah.  I did a cap blend pot on c9 (using a .01uf and a .047uf) for contour, added a 50k pot in series with r15 for the Q adjustment, and did a switchable 470K resistor parallel with the input resistor (to go between stock and 58K).  Thanks to Transmogrifox and to Ansil's previous BH posts.  Unfortunately, I found them AFTER I perfed the stinkin' VAI2 contour circuit!  I also upped the input cap to .10uf and C14 to .22 to open up the bypass and wah tone, respectively.  This wah now rocks even harder.

Again, thanks to everyone here for their knowledge.  I'm officially addicted to this stuff.