EH Memory Man trimpots - What for?

Started by theplastictoy, January 16, 2005, 10:09:14 PM

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Hi all!

What are the trimpots on the stereo memory man for?

Just got a stereo memory man and I love it, but when it's on, i can hear a very high frequency sound in each repeat. Anyone knows how to solve this?



First of all...a disclaimer:  carefully mark where they are before you mess around!  I have a few older units....the layout has changed over the years.
Flip it over...keeping the top pots on the top...keep it plugged in (don't electrocute yourself touching the AC).  Listen to the echoes while you tweak.
In one was the trim pot on the lower right...on another it was the upper right.  But I WAS able to tune out that noise.  If you don't hear anything changing...put the trimmer back where it was.  One of them will lose the echo completely if in the wrong position...others may affect the chorus...which you won't hear while in *echo* mode.  But one WILL tune of the high squeal...but also make the echoes a bit muddier.