help me to make my FF interactive

Started by aidoru1, February 02, 2005, 09:04:46 AM

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I would like to make a fuzz very interactive with guitar pots and touch, producing tones, lo-fi effects etc...In other words an efx that could sounds from a standard fuzz to something very strange and delirious. Anyone can explain me mods for doing this (for example starting from a FF) or let me know if such an efx already exist? (I've heard about "skyripper fuzz" from Nine Volt Nirvana but i can't find schematics...)
Thanks a lot.. .  .   .     .       .         .           .


FF is basically a distorter/booster and can be made to distort more, or less, and can be voiced.
 You can misbias one and get 'some' wierdness', lo fi and all, but how 'musical' is another matter.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


I wouldn't say EZ in terms of these but..
 Put a Green Ringer or Tycho Octavia after it...roll the guitvol back 'n forth for wierdness thats cool to be had in this arena of pitches 'n tones.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.