Cold Heat soldering iron- Anybody tried it?

Started by otokomae, February 26, 2005, 07:00:10 PM

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This might sound like a weird question, but has anybody tried this thing?
It's called the "Cold Heat Cordless Soldering Iron", and it looks kinda interesting, but I'd really like to get a stompboxer's opinion before I waste $17.00 on one.  Anybody tried it, or heard anything about them?  Thanks!!!


[Is this in the FAQ yet? Maybe a stickie is in order?]

Search the archives and you will find most accounts are that it *chows ass*, to use the technical term. If you want a portable iron for emergency/field use, get a good butane iron. For all other *serious* work get a temperature controlled soldering station! You can get decent ones in the $40-70 range from . They will outlast a pile of crappy irons.

Kerry M


I have an ISO-TIP cordless iron that I've had for nearly 3 years now without any problems. I highly recommend them if your getting a cordless.


I think more O y'all foolz need to get down with the afrotech way of making soldering controllable and the shizzle
which part of sin theta plus index times sin theta times ratio do you need me to clarify to you?


i have one of thsoe and use it all the time.  it eats batteries kinda fast so i suggest if you have some of those super rechargeables made for digital cameras and such to use those, thats what i do.  

i guess im the only person around these forums who likes the little bugger.  i think its a hell of a neat thing as im always burning myself and lighting tables and such on fire with a regular iron.  ive had good results with the last few boxes ive made with it, although its a bit of a pain to get it into position sometimes.

the tips are extremely brittle so if you dont have a light touch then dont buy one.


Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Looking at the zillion of posts on this question (see search function above) the opinion of this list is about 1.5 people FOR, and about 87 against, of whom a few have actually used it & hate it.
Which is echoed if you search google groups as well. A flawed concept.