new build reports

Started by mat, February 25, 2005, 12:53:45 PM

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Hello  :D

I've built some more pedals and her is the link to them:

There are also few sound clips (not very pro quality) to hear how they sound like.

Big Thanks for You all for the help and inspiration  8)



nice samples, not too bad in quality at all IMO.
also nice playing :)

B Tremblay

They look and sound very good!  Thanks for sharing!
B Tremblay


Paul Marossy

I like that compact LPB-1.  8)

And wow, Julia, she's beautiful!  :wink:


Nice job.  Sound clips are good.  I know what I want to build next.
Small Clone Chorus!

The "Gain Storm" is incredible.  I'd love to see the inside.

Where are you getting your cream knobs?  Small Bear?


wow i really like that small clone as well, nice job on all of the pedals.  I was thinking of doing something like you did with those three pedals in one box.  Great job and yeah, nice clean playing


say, how did you label those?  looks great!



Thanks all for Your nice comments  :D

Here are some notes, and replys for Your questions.

About the soundclip quality, i think they might sound better with decent micpreamp. I've thought to try the EL95 champ as a mic pre since it has line out. I've read that good micpre's has to have a transformer(s) in it  :shock:  :?:  
I also found out that the placement of the mic plays a major role when seeking a good tone. 10cm adjustments sounded noticeable different. I've justa started to learn these things... and the things of that nature...(Arnold Schwarzenegger  :roll:  )

I dont have inside pictures of the gainstorm, but i can assure you it is quite a mess for now (i called it 'fetspaghetti' to my fried). I usually throw the pedal complite (with the mods) and shut the bottom plate and play. After some time I'll do the cleaning process, fasten the pcb-cut the wires in proper lenght-paint the box and so on..

The cream 'fulltone' knobs (1,7â,¬) are from store here in Finland where i live, but i think they originally come from USA, not 100% sure thou.

I too like the small clone VERY much. It is actually the first pedal that worked right away  :shock:  The fact that the pcb was from Tonepad (thanks FP!) really helped the process (also bought the small stone and rebote2 pcb's) . I finished the pedal on 7 hours ! I started by thinking that I'll just solder as long as i feel like it. While soldering i listened the pink floydish soundclip of the small clone (dont remember where it was) and just soldered and soldered.

The labels on the boxes are made with permanent marker and paintmarkers. The seahorse on the 'seavibe' is drawn by my daughter  :D
I've bought some decals and stuff and will try them on the small clone box.

I found also other use for the paintmarkers with ultra fine tip:

There are two orange squeezers, dyna/ross compressor and fat boostred.

I start by turning the image and printing the pcb on the paper.
Then placing it on the top of the pcb and use couple of tape bits to keep it still.
Then i punch gently with screw (or centerpunch) and little hammer the holes trough the paper onto the copper.
Remove the paper and draw the lines between the marks with permanent marker.
Then use the paintmarker to draw the dots on the holemarks and then carefully the traces between.
Let it dry and do it again (i'm not sure if this is nesesseary).
Drill the holes and clean with acetone (let soak a while). Voila!
After that i check with multimeter that there are no shorts or missing copper somewhere. Works nicely.

I socketted almost every cap and the fets on the Blue Magic. I tried lots of variations in it. One place i preferred a 'greenie' cap over a polystyrene where the poly was too 'high end'. The green cap (of same value) gave clearly smoother sound on the circuit. That was the point when i started to believe that there are differencies on caps as soundwise.

The smooth pot - mod is very cool in my opinion. Gives nice Larry Carlton sound. Don't remember whoses it was but Thank You for the mod if You read this  :D

I like the BSIAB2 a lot. It has some squishynes that i would like to get rid of. Other than that it is very cool effect  :twisted:

The tripple fuzz is also very cool. I would like to make it a little'fatter' so i'm going to experiment with that in a near future. The volume has to be cranked also to compete with other effect levels - have to check that out too.

Well now i have those six pcb's to populate and one not working sparkleboost and tube reamer (other than the one on my page) + the mods under work so no resting for me for some time - thats ok by me  8)  8)  8)



Yeah man! I just checked out the seavibe - my pc speakers aren't the best but I think the sound clip quality is pretty darn good. And I'll echo everyone else on the playing compliment - it's not just what you're playing through but also what you play  :wink:
"Bound to cover just a little more ground..."



Quote from: onboardYeah man! I just checked out the seavibe - my pc speakers aren't the best but I think the sound clip quality is pretty darn good. And I'll echo everyone else on the playing compliment - it's not just what you're playing through but also what you play  :wink:

Well. Thank You for Your kind words. I have had a major flu and cutted the examples while being guite ill, so they are quite lazy and sloppy but i think they tell the main thing - how the boxes sound.
