Gradlaff schematic - what else?

Started by StephenGiles, March 09, 2005, 02:57:20 PM

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"I want my meat burned, like St Joan. Bring me pickles and vicious mustards to pierce the tongue like Cardigan's Lancers.".


Thanks.  There is a higher rez one here though:

But does anyone want to explain he 9v section at the top right?  Where does that connect?  What part connects?  It just seems by itself.


+9V goes to pin 8 of your op amp and VR in the power section goes to VR on the schem. It's on there, you just have to train your eye to look for it - it can get confusing.



Quote from: AL+9V goes to pin 8 of your op amp and VR in the power section goes to VR on the schem. It's on there, you just have to train your eye to look for it - it can get confusing.


There are a lot of VR spots on there.   :?

I think I am gonna have to hold out til I start etching PCBs before I screw with this on perfboard.


Why not use a perfboard.  The original does.


Just use any TS layout already on line. No need for an etched board. And CD is correct, the Landgraff isn't on PCB either. If I remember correctly, the LED's and diodes aren't even on the board. They're just covered with heat shrink and wired off-board.