try not to build late at night with a killer headache

Started by leonhendrix, March 12, 2005, 08:04:39 PM

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ive just fineshed a boutique fuzz face from ggg using trimmers instead of pots because its going in a jim dunlop reissue.

fineshed soldering it at about 11:50pm, i had to have a rest for a few minutes cos i got a headache which i put down to soldering in a not very well ventilated room, so when it came to testing it i got no signal it was'nt for a while that i rememberd i had to set the trimmers, i tried them all turned one way and then the other way but still no signal, so i got out the multi-meter and didnt see anything odd so i messed around with the vol and fuzz knobs to see if the background noise would get louder if i turned them both to max and then i did get a good fuzz signal but it was very quiet, headache got worse which i now put down to soldering fumes, stress and being knackerd, sat down for a few minutes and watched a bit of cliffhanger with slyvester stallone (headache got worse).
went to go to bed but first had to move my amp form the middle of the room, when moving it i noticed the volume which was turned all the down :oops:

ive done stupid things like this b4, like forgeting to put trannies or ICs in their sockets.

i blame it on our brother whos kipping on the sofa.
