OT: PA Mixer/EQ Circuits

Started by rubberlips, March 12, 2005, 04:26:53 AM

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G'day guys,

I want to build up a mixer/EQ circuit for a PA amp to jam with. Anyone seen any schematics around??

play it hard, play it LOUD!


You could also look at GeneralGuitarGadget's mini mixer for, well, a mixer  :wink:

The EQ'ing is a little more indepth. If you want seperate EQ'ing for each channel, things could pile up very quickly. Not difficult, but repetitious. For passive tone controls like you would expect on an amp (bass, treble, and maybe midrange), try searching the forum for "tone stack".  

For all the info you can handle about EQ'ing, go to geofex.com, click FX Projects, and find "Simple, Easy Parametric and Graphic EQ's, Plus Peaks and Notches".

The graphic EQ there works very well if you want the usual cut/boost at a fixed band per control type. If you're adventerous, you can get into all sorts of parametric solutions as well.

Hope that helps.
"Bound to cover just a little more ground..."