Fun new project that Im doing

Started by ninoman123, March 16, 2005, 10:24:29 PM

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So I have a 100 watt SWR LA-15 100 series bass amp.  The 15 inch speaker took a dive so I took it apart. Realizing how simple the electronics were I decided to take it apart. It has nice connectors for connecting power/signal and stuff. I plan on putting the pre amp and power supply in a head type enclosure then making a 2 * 12 cabinet. SWR was kind enough to send me the schematic for it. Looking at the schematic I realized that they used 50k linears for all their pots! The volume, bass, midrange and treble! So I'm probably going to put a 100k audio pot in there. Any suggestions for the bass/mid/treble pots? I wanna make this amp fairly flexable for use with bass and guitar. Ive enclosed the schematic, if anyone has any suggestions for changes I would love it. I read Paul's website for building amp heads and enclosures, and it was tons of help.  :D  I found some vinyl fabric at the fabric store that I'm going to use to cover these things. Also if anyone could point me in the direction of some sort of plans/guide for building a head and cabinet it would help too. Wish me luck  :P And I'll post the results once Im finished.
