midwest analog : Voltage Controlled Analog Delay

Started by mathflan, March 22, 2005, 04:56:22 AM

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I 'am very insterested to build this project :


there are the scheamatic, the pcb and the part list.

I'am wondering if someone has ever built this project?

the problem with this project is that it use a SAD4096 and an opamp 4739 which are no longer available.

Is there equivalent for SAD4096 and the opamp 4739??


Mark Hammer

Unfortunately, in the absence of available SAD4096's, and given the difference in pinout between the 4739 and other better more available dual op-amps, the project would need a complete PCB redraw and layout.  That doesn't mean it's a bad project and not worth doing, just that it will take a lot more legwork than the posted article (I have the same thing in a back issue of POLYPHONY) would suggest to get it up and running.

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Mark Hammer

Three very big cheers for Scott Bernardi.

BTW, those of you who have tinkered with "backwards reverb", where the recirculation swells, rather than decays, this might be just the ticket.


Thanks for the link Paul, I somehow erased it at some point. There is some very interesting stuff on his site.
"I want my meat burned, like St Joan. Bring me pickles and vicious mustards to pierce the tongue like Cardigan's Lancers.".


this somehow reminded me of an older thread:

now, a drop-in replacement for a 4096
would be a real challenge for any true analog