ETI Phaser from late 70's - early 80's - any info ?

Started by Incubus, March 25, 2005, 10:21:27 AM

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ETI had a phaser kit they came out with back then. I bought the kit and built it. From what I remember it sounded ok, but I don't have it anymore and haven't for a long time.

Does anyone know where I *might* be able to find at least a schem ?

I googled a little, but so far nothing.

FWIW, I think the kit number was "HE107"....not positive on that.


I'll be damned.....I think I found it.

This links to a page with a bunch of pdf's for alot of different stuff:

It's not exactly as I remember it, maybe they came out with another phaser after this...not sure.

Maybe it's me.

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

I have a book with the ETI HE102 phaser, it is a pretty ordinary thing, has a TL064 with a triangle modulating a pair of 2N5484 fets. If anyone wants to put it up, let me know & I'll photocopy it & mail it to you.
The phaser at is a much more elaborate beast, using the fets in an inverter.

Mark Hammer

The ETI 447 phaser shown at synthdiy is in desperate need of a redraw.  It uses a 4049 invertor as voltage-controlled resistors to control 6 phase-shift stages based on *SINGLE* op-amps.  The resulting board is much bigger than it needs to be.  As Alfred E. Neuman would say "Blecch!".  It really needs to be laid out again with either duals or a quad or two.
