First pedal - ROG Fetzer - Success, but a source V question

Started by Clipped, April 12, 2005, 11:29:04 PM

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Successfully built a Little Gem, so I thought I'd try a Fetzer. The build went surprisingly well, and it worked the first time! I attribute that to ROG and not myself  :D

It needs board mounting and an indicator LED, but functionality is good. I used the "High" input option instead of the low (1 meg input resistor and swapping the 68K for 33K) and a J201 for the FET, but that's the only mod as of right now. Hopefully in the next couple of days I can get a sample up. The Fetzer had a pleasing drive/boost to it when maxed, kinda in a ZZ Top sort of way (La Grange, Tush..) and worked great on my SS clean channel. Kicking it on top of the distortion channel had alot of buzz/noise, but I haven't had a chance to try and dial it in better.

Here's the question:
Using a J201, I got 4.58v on the drain and 0 at the gate, but my source voltage was 255mV instead of the noted 370mV. Is this due to the change of input type or am I off on something? Or is this acceptable for "variance"?

You may notice an extra hole in the box - It's going to get a two knob booster next, and the Fetzer is moving in with a Ruby that's almost finished...

Bed time -

To Each His Tone.


As for your question, I would only even check the source if I wasn't getting 1/2 the supply at the drain and/or the pedal wasn't working. Your build looks nice. I have never actually tried the *Hi* version of the Fetzer. The next one I make might have seperate Hi-Lo inputs.

Kerry M

B Tremblay

The source pin voltage is included simply for another rough guideline.  There can be a wide range of measured voltages for different J201.  That range expands further when using different FETs like MPF102 or 2N5457.

If the drain is dialed in close to 1/2 the supply voltage and it sounds good, there's no need to worry about the drain.

I love the background of the photos!  You did a great job with the build as well.
B Tremblay


Thanks for the replys on my question. I thought everything was ok as the pedal *sounded* good.

BT - I knew you'd like that background. Just a little way of saying thanks for the site and your help.

Work is really cutting into my building time....

To Each His Tone.

B Tremblay

B Tremblay