rebote 2 reducing more highs on the repeats

Started by nightingale, April 03, 2005, 03:14:39 PM

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i would like to change the filter in my rebote 2 to lose even more highs after each  repeat. which resistor should i socket  between pin 15 and 16 to cut  the highs?

i thought there was a thread discussing the resistors in the rebote lowpass filter, but i can't find it anywhere in the archives?


thanks in advance,
be well,


OT: I visited the nightingale page, downloaded a few mp3's, How can i get your record? the mp3's are bloody good! PM me.

I plan to build the rebote 2 delay, as soon as the PT2399 chips I ordered from small bear arrive. If I was you I would experiment with different resistors, or maybe even put a suitably valued trimpot in there and experiment. Either way let us know how you get on.
My project site
Winner of Mar 2009 FX-X


thanks nelson,
our record comes out april 22, drop me a PM with your mailing info and i will mail you one for cheap.

i guess i will just do the trial and error thing. the only problem with carving up a tonepad layout is that the traces are pretty fragile due to their small size.

i also have an AD-3208 analog delay pretty far along in the works, i might just push ahead on it instread.

as you could probably tell from the mp3's we use alot of tape echo. i was going to try to mod the repeat filter section of the rebote 2 with ceramics and possibly carbon composite resistors to get a real noisey/lofi sounding effect.

i guess i will have to socket all of the parts in that filter section and play around a little..
be well,


Don´t know the answer for sure but I think there is a block diagram of the chip on the application note that might help a little. Somehow I guess what makes it difficult to read the schem there is internal opamps in the chip, but I am not sure if they are used for what you asked.

I tried to compare rebote circuit with application note example circuits and a third one very poorly drawn difficult-to-read schem but I fell sleep before figuring it out.


To loose more highs after every repeat you should change the .01uF cap that is connected to 1k resistor on pin-14 of PT2399 and 1uF electrolytic cap. It is a filter cap for repeats. On the layout it is the inner .01uf capacitor on the lower right side of the PCB. Try changing the value to .02uF or .022uF.