Hi, somebody help me please~

Started by Wonderboy, January 05, 2005, 12:20:20 PM

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:D Hi, this is my first post here, i tried to build this one :

and i wonder about few things... :?  

1. IC 4558 is a dual or single op-amp ?  :wink:

2. i read about the 3PDT switches for true bypassing, but there isn't any    switches in the schematic. What happens if I didn't use any ? does the sound going to be distorted all the way ?  :wink:

3. i would love to have this switch :
http://www.diystompboxes.com/cart/ , but im living outside the U.S, can anyone explain to me how much im going to be charged in total ? bcos im not sure about the shipping fee or tax watever...  :wink:

4. i tried to build this also : http://rabbathrecordings.com/DOD250.htm
when i compared the schematic and the real stompbox,i realise there's only 2 potentiometers that is for VOLUME and TONE in the schematic ( i think so ), what about another 1 (DRIVE) ?  :wink:

luv u guys~


Quote from: Wonderboy:D Hi, this is my first post here, i tried to build this one :

and i wonder about few things... :?  

1. IC 4558 is a dual or single op-amp ?  :wink:
 >>>Dual OA, this circuit uses half of a dual, ground the unused inputs of the OA.

2. i read about the 3PDT switches for true bypassing, but there isn't any    switches in the schematic. What happens if I didn't use any ? does the sound going to be distorted all the way ?  :wink:
 >>>Yes, the sound will have to go through the circuit.

3. i would love to have this switch :
http://www.diystompboxes.com/cart/ , but im living outside the U.S, can anyone explain to me how much im going to be charged in total ? bcos im not sure about the shipping fee or tax watever...  :wink:
 >>>Can't say what the charges would be, try emailing Small Bear, they are very helpful.
4. i tried to build this also : http://rabbathrecordings.com/DOD250.htm
when i compared the schematic and the real stompbox,i realise there's only 2 potentiometers that is for VOLUME and TONE in the schematic ( i think so ), what about another 1 (DRIVE) ?  :wink:  
 >>>I see two variable controls on the 250 Schem, the one [bottom left] controls gain, the one at far right is the volume control.

luv u guys~
Convention creates following, following creates convention.

Paul Marossy

4558 is a dual opamp.

If you don't use a bypass switch, then your signal will always be going thru the circuit. You will have distortion even when you don't want it.

If you have PayPal, it's very easy to do the transaction. Aron will ship them just about anywhere for a very reasonable charge.

That DOD250 schematic is showing a pot for a drive and volume. You could always add a tone control to the circuit. It's very easy to do.


Check the FAQ at the top of the page.

Also, parts are available here  http://www.smallbearelec.com/

And some schematics *with layouts* are available here.



There are PLENTY of other sites to check out (the links at the top of the page to mention a few) but this should get you started.



Read the whole cart page aron has set up.


This link is on it for International Orders.  It even tells how how much for shipping.


i've completed the JH DST1 :wink: , finally it works ! just wanna say thanks to those who help me  :D

Paul Marossy


yo, can i use aron's 3PDT switch for the JH DST1 ? then i wonder how to connect it... can just follow these connections http://rabbathrecordings.com/DOD250.htm , just scroll down a bit , there a 15 steps on how to connect the switch. or i might have a different connections ?

Paul Marossy


mannn, i really have a lots of research to do !

Paul Marossy

QuoteI really have lots of research to do !

Yeah, but it'll come to you in time. Just keep on studying and learning and it will all start to make sense at some point.  8)


yo~ everyone, finally i got the switches from aron, trying to add this switch to the JHDST1 is  a bit confusing,
i'd found out that there are many configurations to connect the 3PDT switch...
i've tried this : http://www.generalguitargadgets.com/diagrams/switch_lo_3pdt_tb_battery.gif ( but doesn't work )
and this http://rabbathrecordings.com/DOD250.htm ( there's an instruction on how to connect the switch somewhere at the middle of the page, the same connection with slight difference---> step 10&12, also doesn't work )

but i haven't tried the GCI-TrueBypass suggested by Paul...
kinda scared that the switch might be damaged by the solder/unsoldering work ( i only have 2 swithes, shipped internationally...  )

Does anyone have any idea about this ? comment please...
do u guys think i might made mistake somewhere....
i checked the circuitry, it's all ok and there's current/voltage flowing through the circuit...



several issues are still possible:

-cabling error
-or mismatch in switch ie turned wrong way

If the lugs on switch are horizontal 2nd point is ok

then we need to know if you get bypass signal

and eventually tried with different pot settings

(this may sound stupid but that happened yesterday

to a fuzz builder!!)

If signal flows pots switch but most probably some

cables are wrong. You can check this with your multimeter

too: Just check the 2 postions(on/off) with  your multimeter.

Hope this helps ,you arrived at 80% of your build :)

Greetings JMErnzer
Keep on soldering!
And don t burn fingers!


aaa, one question... is the loop on the pots neccessary ? wat does it do neway ? my circuit didn't work with the loops on.

btw radio, i think my switch wiring is wrong....hohoho

Alex C

Quote from: Wonderboyaaa, one question... is the loop on the pots neccessary ? wat does it do neway?
I believe you're talking about this:

If so, this is a pot wired as a variable resistor.  Just connect the wiper (middle lug) to lug 1 of the pot (which also goes to ground).  I hope that's what you meant.

Oh, and Wonderboy...what is the secret of your powers?


yupp, that's wat i'm trying to say, but my circuit only works without the loop...dunno how to post pics  :oops:
wat powers ?


wat does the loop do ? is it only a voltage divider ?


sob, i wired wrongly :x .... my bad, my bad....


alright here's the main circuit...

now i'm trying to add the 3PDT :

my main circuit alone works fine, i grounded the circuit to the negative supply of the 9V battery...

This is the problem :
1. After combining the 3PDT circuit to the main one, nothing happens, no output , no sounds, nothing !!!.....but, when i connect the circuit ground to the negative battery... the LED lights all the way and so the signal ( no clean signal even after the switch is pressed )

Question :
1. Actually, how do they ground circuits ?, usually, i just ground everything to the -ve battery
2. Is there any probability that the switch might be damage from the heat of the soldering work ?

can someone tell me wats wrong here ? cos i really need some sleep  :lol: ...

hey, try http://www.imageshack.us/ for adding pics.... very useful 8)


>1. After combining the 3PDT circuit to the main one, nothing happens, no output , no sounds, nothing !!!.....but, when i connect the circuit ground to the negative battery... the LED lights all the way and so the signal ( no clean signal even after the switch is pressed )

Either you have wired the switch incorrectly or the jacks.

On the "bottom" of the switch, do you see that wire that connects the two outer lugs??? That's your bypass wire. The signal goes right in from the input jack, hits that wire and goes out the output jack. You have a problem right there if you don't have bypass. The LED switching on doesn't matter. You have a problem with either wiring of the input or output jack or the wire connected to the two outer lugs.