tone knob for a 386 amp?

Started by birt, June 05, 2005, 09:05:56 AM

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lets say a ruby. if you connect it to a big speaker it may sound to dull, if you connect it to a smaller speaker it may sound way too trebly.

is there a way you could change the tone? a potmeter somewhere? a switch with some different caps on it?
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First...tone controls with more than a couple passives, or that attenuates frequencies/output may need gain recovery.
 For treble attenuation, a *small value cap or caps from *signal path to ground will rolloff unwanted high end, and will not attenuate output [much]. *Experiment with values and placement points.
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you _could_ do the "guitar" tone control on it - with so so results.

search for any active EQ ckt.  You could probably buy for cheaper than what you can build.  (danelectro fish and chips)
