Tube pedal schematics?

Started by Freddy205, April 20, 2005, 01:32:02 PM

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Does anyone know where I can find tube pedal schematics? I've seen the real mctube at ampage and was wondering if there are any others floating about?


Take your favorite tube amp preamp and stuff it inside a pedal enclosure, it will sound 10x better than anything else you can find (Tube Driver, Tube King, V-Twin, etc. etc.)  Seriously.

Paul Marossy

I would suggest the Shaka Tube.

The Tube Driver is alright, too, but some people have real noise problems with their builds.


Man, I'm still hangin' out for a simple tube buffer!

(...or a low voltage tube opamp  8)  )

I'm all for the superfluous use of tubes.  They look nice.


yowzers...didn't realise this was such an old thread.  Oops!