YAVQ-Yet Another Vactrol Question (Neutron/Mu-Tron)

Started by Joe Viau, June 30, 2005, 04:43:16 PM

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Joe Viau

I happened to be checking out optoisolators on the Allied web site.  In looking at the VTL5C3, which appears to be very popular here, I noticed that there was a VTL5C3/2, which is a dual-element version of the VTL5C3.  The specs are very similar:

VTL5C3:    On: 1.5/5k    Off: 10m
VTL5C3/2: On:  2k/55k  Off: 10m (for each element)

I'm assuming that the two numbers presented for "on" are for different currents, that's what the spec sheets I've seen in the past have denoted.

Is there any reason why you couldn't use the VTL5C3/2 in R. G.'s Neutron circuit? The VTL5C3/2 is only a little more expensive at 3.79 USD a pop versus 2.94 USD for a 5C3.

Just wondering.


I don`t know the circuit you mean (link???),
but if that circuit uses optoes that don`t share one common connection on the LDR-side, you can`t use it to replace 2 singular optoes...

Joe Viau



lately I`ve seen a phaser schemo `round here, btw, that does use such "back-to-back" LDRs...
:wink:  :wink: